It will come as a suprise to very few who know me well, but recently I was diagnosed with ADHD Type C.

Part of the process of managing this condition is to use tools that help to streamline thoughts and processes, and bring a greater sense of ease to the fluidity of communication, especially when running a small business with endless small tasks.

I am now in the process of writing my first book - Creative Rituals - and what has felt like Mt Everest is now turning into a beautifully constructed ski lift by using langauge based models like Chat GPT.

For those who aren't au fait with the restless realities of living with ADHD, in many senses it's like perenillally being in a daunting maze, especially when it comes to decision making and the mental exertion of having to switch up different parts of the brain in any given hour. Option paralisis is incredibly fatiguing, especially when your to-do list is as long as your arm.

Thankfully, the use of language based AI models, has become an indispensable ally in this endeavor. It takes my scattered thoughts and transforms them into a well-structured outline, breaking down complex ideas into manageable sections. With this assistance, I can focus on the creative process itself, confident that my ideas are being captured and organized efficiently, and then I can add all kinds of little human flourishes and crazy cool shit to what I am building out.

The huge task of crafting a book involves numerous time-consuming tasks, including drafting, revising, research, and editing. These systems act as an insanely good personal assistant, lightening the workload and literally breezing through brainstorm sessions, copywriting engagements, and communications to-do-lists like a hot knife through butter. It's a new form of futurist pleasure that is almost impossible to describe.

The process of writing is in a strange way both isolating and collaborative, and feedback plays a crucial role in the creative process. One of the funkiest features of having virtual collaborator, this that I can bounce my hairbrained ideas off it, and it offers suggestions and alternative perspectives that challenge and inspire me - and with lighting quick results. The speed and immediacy of it is astonishing, and this alone has an influence on how my brain reacts.

Its ability to analyze vast amounts of information helps generate unique insights and brings diverse perspectives to the table. These input have proven invaluable in refining my ideas, ensuring they resonate with a broader audience.

If you're also navigating the challenges of organizing your thoughts, maintaining focus, or managing time-consuming writing tasks, I encourage you to explore the potential of using AI language models as a powerful tool to enhance your creative process and let the small tasks go to automation unleash your full potential as a creative. It allows you to let go of the anxiety and tension of worrying over a monumental amount of small tasks, and lets you go to town on what you are good at.